Reiki is a practice that people of all abilities can experience and benefit from. This ancient healing technique is being discovered and practiced by more and more people in the modern world.



Reiki is a method of energy transfer used to support physical, emotional and spiritual healing processes. This system aims to balance the body's energy flow and dissolve blockages. Reiki is usually applied through hand positions and symbols. In order to learn and apply Reiki, it is necessary to go through a process called attunement, during which the teacher adapts the student to the energy and opens the energy channel.

Reiki is an energy healing technique that originated in Japan and literally means "universal life energy".

Reiki Symbols

Reiki symbols are an important part of Reiki practices, each representing a specific energy or intention. These symbols can be used by Reiki practitioners to direct the flow of energy, enhance the healing process, and for specific purposes.

Major Reiki Symbols and Their Meanings

Cho Ku Rei (Symbol of Power)

Meaning : Cho Ku Rei is the energy strengthening symbol. It means "I gather universal life energy here." This symbol is used to concentrate energy, support physical healing processes and clear negative energies.

Gold Plexiglass CHO KU REI
Orenda Design

Usage: It can be used at the beginning of a healing session to strengthen energy or to clear a space.

Sei He Ki (Mental and Emotional Healing Symbol)

Meaning : Used to provide mental and emotional balance. It means "God and man have become one."

Usage: It is used to heal emotional wounds, overcome mental obstacles, or dissolve subconscious blockages.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Long Distance Healing Symbol)

Meaning: It represents the ability to send energy beyond time and space. It means "there is no past, future or present."

Usage: It can be used to send energy to a distant person or to heal the energy of a past event.

Dai Ko Myo (Master Symbol)

Meaning: It represents the highest level of Reiki energy. It means "Great enlightenment" or "Great bright light".

Usage: It is used at the Reiki Master level and is used to support the spiritual development of the person and to direct energy at the highest level.

Raku (Symbol of Completion)

Meaning: It is used to complete the energy application and stabilize the energy in the body.

Usage: It is used to complete Reiki initiations and prepare the student to give and receive energy.

Rama (Symbol of grounding and protection)

Meaning: It is considered a powerful tool for balancing one's energy, cleansing oneself of negative energies and harmonizing with the energy of the physical world.

Usage: It can be used to create a protective energy field around a person or to protect a space.

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